Grantee Resources


Grant Agreements

Once your grant has been approved by Meyer’s CEO or trustees, Meyer will send a grant agreement via DocuSign to the grantee for review and signature(s), usually within one month after a grant is awarded. This document usually requires a signature from the organization’s executive director/CEO or an authorized signatory.

Grantees should keep a copy of their grant agreement on file, as it outlines the terms, restrictions and expectations of their relationship with Meyer during the grant period. 

We view grants as partnerships and ask that grantees keep us informed of any developments (both positive and negative) that affect the organization's ability to carry out the work funded through our grant. Any major modification in proposed activities, including expenditure changes, must be approved in advance by Meyer. See our Grant Modifications section below about requesting a change.

Grant Payments


Grant payments will be released per the payment schedule indicated in the grant agreement.

Some initial payments may have contingencies (e.g., submitting a work plan, raising remaining funds, etc.), which Meyer program staff will discuss with the grantee. When an organization has met a contingency, it should notify its Meyer program staff and copy grantops [at] (grantops[at]mmt[dot]org). The organization should also include its Meyer grant number and confirmation and/or documentation that the contingency has been met.

Once the contingency is approved, Meyer will schedule payment. Please note that all payments are contingent upon Meyer receiving — in addition to any listed contingency documentation — the narrative and financial reports required per the reporting schedule listed in the grant agreement.

ACH/Direct Deposit

Meyer is finally going paperless with grant payments!

Over the last year, Meyer’s finance team has reached out to grantee partners with ACH (automated clearing house/direct deposit) enrollment information. If your organization has yet to enroll and would like to opt in now, please email our finance team at ach [at] (ach[at]mmt[dot]org) to register. To ensure delivery of remittance emails from Meyer, please add ach [at] to your email's safe sender list.

In accordance with data security best practices, please do not email your bank account information to us.

While we encourage you to register for ACH, it’s not required. Meyer will continue to mail out payments if you prefer paper checks.

Grant Modifications

Meyer Outcome and Reporting Chart

Before making any changes to the Outcome and Reporting Chart, grantees should contact their program staff. Any proposed modifications to the left (gray) side of the chart should be discussed with and approved by assigned Meyer program staff prior to submitting a grant report.

Click here for instructions on how to update your Meyer Outcome and Reporting Chart


If the project plan or budget of a grant has changed, notify your assigned Meyer program staff and copy grantops [at] (grantops[at]mmt[dot]org) with the following:

  • Meyer grant number
  • Detailed explanation of what changes are occurring with the project
  • What effect the project changes may have on the approved project budget and the proposed revised budget*

*Important: Please note that grantees may not expend Meyer grant funds on any activity other than those indicated in the grant agreement without prior approval.

Grant Extension

If you need extra time to submit the grant report or the project requires additional time for completion, notify your assigned Meyer program staff and copy grantops [at] (grantops[at]mmt[dot]org) with the following:

  • Meyer grant number
  • When the project will be completed
  • The reason an extension is needed

Fiscal Sponsorship

If a fiscally sponsored organization, project or initiative plans to transfer to a different sponsor or has obtained its own 501c3 status, grant funds must be returned to Meyer. Grantees should not automatically forward Meyer’s grant funds to the new sponsor or the previously sponsored org. Meyer encourages the sponsored organization to contact its assigned Meyer program staff prior to submitting a transfer request to discuss a work plan to avoid disruption.

Fiscally sponsored organizations must notify their assigned Meyer program staff and copy grants [at] (grantops[at]mmt[dot]org) with the following:

  • A letter or email from the current fiscal sponsor confirming that they are no longer the sponsor
  • The EIN, address and contact information for the new fiscal sponsor
  • A copy of the new fiscal sponsorship agreement
  • Or a copy of its IRS determination letter
  • An updated accounting of grant funds indicating any remaining funds to be returned to Meyer*

Upon receipt and approval of the items above, it will take Meyer approximately four weeks to process a change of fiscal sponsor and issue a re-grant.


Reports provide an opportunity for organizations to reflect on grant projects and share insights and lessons learned. Annual reports help Meyer analyze our funding strategies, assess our overall impact and inform our future planning. We encourage grantees to be open and honest in sharing their challenges, frustrations and feedback as well as their successes. The lessons you learn in facing obstacles are as valuable to us as your successful outcomes.

Grantees should follow the guidelines attached to their grant agreements when preparing their reports.

Reporting Guidelines

Reporting guidelines are attached to the grant agreement. Need another copy of the guidelines? Visit GrantIS (applicable for grants awarded beginning in 2017) under Award Details in the Active Awards section of their GrantIS dashboard. You may also email grantops [at] (grantops[at]mmt[dot]org) to request a copy.

Reports generally take four to eight weeks for review and processing. We may contact grantees during that time if we have questions. If don’t hear from us, assume the report is approved. The status of the report will also be displayed under Award Details when organizations log in to GrantIS.

Logos/Publicizing Grants

Meyer encourages grantees to raise public awareness about their work. It is not necessary to get Meyer's approval to announce the grant, as long as the grantee characterizes the award as it appears in the grant agreement and makes clear that Meyer Memorial Trust is a private foundation that is not connected to Fred Meyer Inc.

To request a quote from Meyer to include in your press release, please draft what you’re hoping for in an email to our communications team at communications [at] (communications[at]mmt[dot]org).

To download our logo, please visit You may use our logo in electronic and printed materials such as newsletters and reports. Please do not use our logo on banners or vehicles.

Meyer updates the awards database on each month, announces awards via our email newsletters and sends news releases announcing recent grants to local news media.


What if I’m unable to submit a report by the due date?

We appreciate receiving reports on time, but we understand that sometimes other commitments make that difficult. If that’s the case and you need a short extension, please send an email to your assigned Meyer program staff and copy grantops [at] (grantops[at]mmt[dot]org) with the following information:


  • Meyer grant number
  • The reason for the report extension
  • The date by which you can submit your report

Important: Please note that if you have any payments pending, they will not be released until after we have received and reviewed the report.


I just submitted my report online. Should I also mail you a hard copy?

No. Please do not send us another copy via postal mail or email. The documents you submit online are sufficient.

What format can I submit my reports in? Can I submit pictures or videos?

Reports can be submitted in Word, Excel or PDF formats. If you have a few photos that are relevant to the project, you may submit those. You may include a link to an online video in your narrative document if it is relevant to the funded project, but please do not mail us CDs/DVDs.

Where can I find Meyer’s Demographic Information Survey?

Right here: Demographic Information Survey