Oregon Immigrant and Refugee Funders Collaborative

The Oregon Immigrant and Refugee Funders Collaborative is a coordinated and collaborative funding approach created to support the local nonprofits across our state that respond to the needs of immigrants and refugees. The partners include Oregon Community Foundation, The Collins Foundation and Meyer Memorial Trust.

Our Application Process: “No Wrong Door”

The grant process for this collaborative is open and ongoing. There is “no wrong door” for you to enter. We encourage nonprofit and community groups to reach out to any of the representatives from the participating funders by email. We communicate and share information and documents with each other. We will also coordinate our efforts when we communicate or request information from community groups to lessen the burden of answering similar questions for multiple people.

The funders in this collaborative share a common application form. The application form can be filled out via Word Doc or Fillable PDF.

Most funding from this program is made on a rolling basis, the OIRFC does not have an established grants cycle. The intent is to offer a nimble and responsive way that reduces the wait time for grantees. Once an application is received, you can generally expect to hear back from us within two months. If we have additional clarifying questions someone from the collaborative will contact you.

Applicant Resources & Calls for Proposals