Listening and Learning from Our Grantees
For the first time in its history, Meyer has partnered with the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) to survey our grantees about their work with us. The CEP is an independent, nonprofit organization that has been working to improve philanthropic effectiveness for almost 25 years.
We recognize that grantees are not always comfortable sharing feedback with funders who hold the purse strings. That’s why we appreciate CEP’s efforts to ensure that the feedback gathered in this survey was fully anonymous and confidential. CEP’s survey is issued to hundreds of foundations each year, allowing us to compare ourselves to a broad range of philanthropic organizations, as well as to a smaller cohort of mission-aligned funders that we consider exemplars in the field. We set high standards for the work we fund and we want to be just as ambitious in the goals we set for ourselves.
It’s also worthwhile to note that this year’s survey was conducted in April 2024, prior to the launch of our issues-based open call. We know that at that time, our community was anxious to learn more about our strategy and goals for funding. With more than a dozen info sessions held virtually and around the state, we hope that much of that uncertainty has since been allayed.
We still consider that the 2024 survey offers a valuable baseline assessment of grantee perception from which we are eager to build and improve upon over time. You can learn more about CEP’s work and survey methodology here. More details are also available in these slides.
This year has been a dynamic time for Meyer. We've welcomed 11 new staff members, launched a new Tribal Nations Initiative and hosted our first open funding opportunity in more than three years. We are grateful to the staff and grantees who have been on this journey with us. Our deepest appreciation to all those who shared their honest and thoughtful feedback along the way. Let’s keep talking.
— Kim
What We Learned: Key Lessons and Opportunities
Meyer grantees value the freedom and flexibility to do their best work.
Grantees told us that general operating dollars, automatic renewals and multi-year funding are important contributors to their success. They also appreciated Meyer's relatively low-burden application process. Grantees believe that the time spent on applying for grant funding is worth the dollars received and our transition to the Giving Data grants management platform also received high marks.
Grantees want to be in relationship with us and support 'beyond the check'.
Strong partnerships require mutual understanding. We know that Meyer’s staffing and structural changes in late 2023 affected the continuity of many of the valued relationships with our program staff. In addition, we hear that grantees appreciate support that goes ‘beyond the check’, especially through collaboration, convenings and connections to other resources.
With our current grantmaking team solidly in place, we are looking forward to developing more opportunities to listen and learn from one another in the coming months and years.
More substantive and clear communication is a must
Not surprisingly, grantees at the time of the survey were seeking more specific, actionable information from Meyer about how and what we would be funding. We also know that consistent, substantive communication about our goals and strategies is important for grantees so that they can plan.
In addition to sharing more robust communication in this area, we also plan to communicate more about how we are measuring and tracking our progress. In 2025, we will update our website and deepen our storytelling about the work we support, so that our grantees can access information and better understand how and whether their organizations' work and values are a good fit for Meyer funding.