Our Collective Prosperity

Fostering community-based economies that are self-supporting while building wealth for the next generation

Guiding Principles

  • Broaden our definition: Recognize that prosperity extends beyond just income and includes wealth and asset-building.
  • Build wealth at all levels: Support initiatives that foster individual and community-wide growth.
  • Empower the family: Promote self-determination within families to grow and strengthen thriving communities.


Portfolio Themes

  • Prosperity is an ecosystem: Building sustainable and resilient local economies requires a multifaceted approach incorporating entrepreneurship, career pathways, and innovation.
  • Advocacy is central: Activating and mobilizing community voices is essential to transform policies and systems.
  • Housing builds stability: Increasing homeownership opportunities and removing barriers to affordable housing is foundational to communal well-being.

Portfolio Goals + Strategies

  1. Support thriving families
  2. Promote housing justice and pathways to homeownership

Goal 1: Close the racial wealth gap

We must address the persistent economic disparities created by institutionalized and systemic injustices. We can create a just economy by increasing income stability, promoting opportunities and advancing pay equity.

Strategy 1: Support coalitions, initiatives and research focused on economic justice and systems change 

Strategy 2: Advance equitable opportunities for entrepreneurs 

Strategy 3: Promote just employment with access to livable wages, benefits, worker protections and career pathways


Goal 2: Support thriving families

For Oregon’s families to move from surviving to thriving, we must offer holistic support that addresses all aspects of family life.

Strategy 1: Strengthen the care economy

Strategy 2: Promote multigenerational asset-building

Goal 3: Promote housing justice and pathways to homeownership

Homeownership is still one of the most stable and enduring ways to build intergenerational wealth. We must create new opportunities for buyers while addressing the unjust policies and practices owners and renters face. 

Strategy 1: Support housing justice through initiatives in tenant rights and anti-displacement efforts

Strategy 2: Increase homeownership through education and asset-building opportunities

Staff Contact

Maribel De León

Senior Program Officer
Our Collective Prosperity

Meet Maribel

Staff Contact

Violeta Alvarez Lucio

Program Associate
Our Collective Prosperity

Meet Violeta