Theresa Deibele
Former staff
She / Her
theresa [at]
The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.
Theresa describes herself as a professional “turducken” — a former Peace Corps volunteer stuffed inside an attorney and encased by a nonprofit director. These layers of experience give her a diverse skill set and a broad perspective for her work at Meyer.
“We see housing as a critical platform for success. Without stable housing, one’s goals for health, safety, education and work are more difficult if not impossible. Meyer alone can’t solve the housing crisis, but an understanding of the role philanthropy can play in the housing field, coupled with strategic use of our investments, can help us to move the needle and expand housing opportunities for low-income Oregonians.”
Theresa joined Meyer as a program officer, evaluating grants and program-related investments opportunities, with an emphasis on mergers, housing-related work and large capital projects.
Before coming to Meyer, she served as finance director at ChristieCare, a nonprofit mental health provider, and helped lead the Lake Oswego-based organization through a merger. Earlier, she practiced public finance law at Ater Wynne LLP, in her hometown of Portland.
Theresa also has international experience, completing two years as a math teacher and community development adviser with U.S. Peace Corps in Chad and a stint with Legal Aid of Cambodia. These days she wanders the travel section of Powell’s, dreaming of the next trip with her family.
Theresa has called Meyer home since 2012.