We Hear You

In March, Meyer staff has visited more than a dozen communities and connected with nearly 1,000 people representing the diversity of Oregon’s nonprofits, public educational institutions, government and Tribal agencies.

Dozens more information sessions are scheduled over the next four weeks as organizations prepare their response to the opening of Meyer’s 2016 funding opportunities on April 4th.

As we traveled across the state, we gathered together organizations and individuals interested in learning more about the four key areas we believe to be essential to a flourishing and equitable Oregon. The visits have been an excellent reminder of our shared values toward service and support so that all Oregonians may thrive.

I’m personally grateful for the hospitality and candor we’ve received. We have heard loud and clear about the barriers urgently experienced by many communities across our state. Meyer is committed to dismantling barriers and creating systemic conditions where all Oregonians experience the opportunity to reach their full potential. We’ve challenged ourselves, and we’ve asked our partners to join us in this challenge. Transformative work doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t happen without you and the communities you serve. So thank you for your continued commitment to your communities and our partnership.

We look forward to seeing you!